تقاضا taqāẓā
P تقاضا taqāẓā [for A. taqāẓī, inf. n. vi of قضي 'to decree; to pay (a debt),' &c.;—in A. nouns of this form the Persians generally change final ī to ā, as tamāshā for tamāshī, &c.], s.m. Demanding or exacting payment (of a debt), dunning; pressing the settlement of a claim; demand, requisition, claim; exigence, urgency, importunity:—taqāẓā-ě-sinn, s.m. The customs or habits of different ages (as of childhood, youth, or manhood); the requirements, or the natural tendencies, of different ages:—taqāẓā-ě-shadīd, s.m. Great pressure or importunity; inexorable dunning:—taqāẓā-ě-ʻumr, s.m.=taqāẓā-ě-sinn, q.v.:—taqāẓā karnā (-kā), To demand payment (of); to exact; to claim; to press, to urge, to dun:—ʻindaʼl-taqāẓā, adv. On demand.
تقاضائي taqāẓāʼī
P تقاضائي taqāẓāʼī, adj. Exacting, pressing, urging, importunate, solicitous.