Sher on Ehsaan
Obligation is an experience
that has had many shades. Some of us, who oblige others with small favours, remember them while some others who do big favours choose to forget them. Similarly, some of us who receive small favours remember them while others who receive big favours choose to forget them. These acts tell a lot about what we are as human beings. It has to be kept in mind, however, that one obligation can best be paid back by another obligation. This is a philosophy of life that has been well expressed by Urdu poets. Some examples for your perusal are here which also include the favours of lovers to each other.
sach hai ehsān kā bhī bojh bahut hotā hai
chaar phūloñ se dabī jaatī hai turbat merī
sach hai ehsan ka bhi bojh bahut hota hai
chaar phulon se dabi jati hai turbat meri
ham se ye bār-e-lutf uThāyā na jā.egā
ehsāñ ye kījiye ki ye ehsāñ na kījiye
hum se ye bar-e-lutf uThaya na jaega
ehsan ye kijiye ki ye ehsan na kijiye
ye hai ki jhukātā hai muḳhālif kī bhī gardan
sun lo ki koī shai nahīñ ehsān se behtar
ye hai ki jhukata hai muKHalif ki bhi gardan
sun lo ki koi shai nahin ehsan se behtar
sar pe ehsān rahā be-sar-o-sāmānī kā
ḳhār-e-sahrā se na uljhā kabhī dāman apnā
sar pe ehsan raha be-sar-o-samani ka
KHar-e-sahra se na uljha kabhi daman apna
is dasht pe ehsāñ na kar ai abr-e-ravāñ aur
jab aag ho nam-ḳhurda to uThtā hai dhuāñ aur
is dasht pe ehsan na kar ai abr-e-rawan aur
jab aag ho nam-KHurda to uThta hai dhuan aur
ehsān-e-rab mohabbateñ itnī milīñ 'adīl'
is umr-e-muḳhtasar meñ na lauTā sakeñge ham
ehsan-e-rab mohabbaten itni milin 'adil'
is umr-e-muKHtasar mein na lauTa sakenge hum
mile qatra qatra ye kyā zindagī hai
ai dariyā-e-rahmat vahī tishnagī hai
mile qatra qatra ye kya zindagi hai
ai dariya-e-rahmat wahi tishnagi hai