Sher on Inquilab
Revolution is the ultimate
stage after dissatisfaction, protest, and rebellion. It concerns all human societies. All poets in all languages have pondered and philosophized over the idea and experience of revolution. Urdu poets have also written copiously on this. Here are some examples for you to read and assess their thematic and literary worth.
zulm phir zulm hai baḌhtā hai to miT jaatā hai
ḳhuun phir ḳhuun hai Tapkegā to jam jā.egā
zulm phir zulm hai baDhta hai to miT jata hai
KHun phir KHun hai Tapkega to jam jaega
Tags : Jafaand 2 more
ham parvarish-e-lauh-o-qalam karte raheñge
jo dil pe guzartī hai raqam karte raheñge
We will nourish the pen and tablet; we will tend them ever
We will write what the heart suffers; we will defend them ever
hum parwarish-e-lauh-o-qalam karte rahenge
jo dil pe guzarti hai raqam karte rahenge
We will nourish the pen and tablet; we will tend them ever
We will write what the heart suffers; we will defend them ever
Tags : Hauslaand 1 more
ham amn chāhte haiñ magar zulm ke ḳhilāf
gar jañg lāzmī hai to phir jañg hī sahī
hum amn chahte hain magar zulm ke KHilaf
gar jang lazmi hai to phir jang hi sahi
Tags : Deshbhaktiand 3 more
mere siine meñ nahīñ to tere siine meñ sahī
ho kahīñ bhī aag lekin aag jalnī chāhiye
mere sine mein nahin to tere sine mein sahi
ho kahin bhi aag lekin aag jalni chahiye
Tag : Hausla
kuchh usūloñ kā nasha thā kuchh muqaddas ḳhvāb the
har zamāne meñ shahādat ke yahī asbāb the
Intoxication of the principles, and pious dreams were some,
In every age these alone were the reasons for martyrdom.
Sagar Akbarabadi
kuchh usulon ka nasha tha kuchh muqaddas KHwab the
har zamane mein shahadat ke yahi asbab the
Intoxication of the principles, and pious dreams were some,
In every age these alone were the reasons for martyrdom.
Sagar Akbarabadi
Tags : Asbaaband 1 more
koī to suud chukā.e koī to zimma le
us inqalāb kā jo aaj tak udhār sā hai
koi to sud chukae koi to zimma le
us inqalab ka jo aaj tak udhaar sa hai
rañg-e-mahfil chāhtā hai ik mukammal inqalāb
chand sham.oñ ke bhaḌakne se sahar hotī nahīñ
rang-e-mahfil chahta hai ek mukammal inqalab
chand shamon ke bhaDakne se sahar hoti nahin
duniyā meñ vahī shaḳhs hai tāzīm ke qābil
jis shaḳhs ne hālāt kā ruḳh moḌ diyā ho
Only such a person is praiseworthy perchance
who has altered the aspect of adverse circumstance
duniya mein wahi shaKHs hai tazim ke qabil
jis shaKHs ne haalat ka ruKH moD diya ho
Only such a person is praiseworthy perchance
who has altered the aspect of adverse circumstance
kaam hai merā taġhayyur naam hai merā shabāb
merā na.ara inqilāb o inqilāb o inqilāb
kaam hai mera taghayyur nam hai mera shabab
mera nara inqilab o inqilab o inqilab
sutūn-e-dār pe rakhte chalo saroñ ke charāġh
jahāñ talak ye sitam kī siyāh raat chale
sutun-e-dar pe rakhte chalo saron ke charagh
jahan talak ye sitam ki siyah raat chale
inqalāb aa.egā raftār se māyūs na ho
bahut āhista nahīñ hai jo bahut tez nahīñ
inqalab aaega raftar se mayus na ho
bahut aahista nahin hai jo bahut tez nahin
dekh raftār-e-inqalāb 'firāq'
kitnī āhista aur kitnī tez
dekh raftar-e-inqalab 'firaq'
kitni aahista aur kitni tez
Tag : Famous shayari
ye kah rahī hai ishāroñ meñ gardish-e-gardūñ
ki jald ham koī saḳht inqalāb dekheñge
ye kah rahi hai ishaaron mein gardish-e-gardun
ki jald hum koi saKHt inqalab dekhenge
Tag : Deshbhakti
inqalāb-e-sub.h kī kuchh kam nahīñ ye bhī dalīl
pattharoñ ko de rahe haiñ aa.ine khul kar javāb
inqalab-e-subh ki kuchh kam nahin ye bhi dalil
pattharon ko de rahe hain aaine khul kar jawab
Tag : Ummeed
inqilāboñ kī ghaḌī hai
har nahīñ haañ se baḌī hai
inqilabon ki ghaDi hai
har nahin han se baDi hai
bahut barbād haiñ lekin sadā-e-inqalāb aa.e
vahīñ se vo pukār uThegā jo zarra jahāñ hogā
bahut barbaad hain lekin sada-e-inqalab aae
wahin se wo pukar uThega jo zarra jahan hoga
inqilābāt-e-dahr kī buniyād
haq jo haqdār tak nahīñ pahuñchā
inqilabaat-e-dahr ki buniyaad
haq jo haqdar tak nahin pahuncha
Tag : Justice
ai inqalāb-e-nau tirī raftār dekh kar
ḳhud ham bhī sochte haiñ ki ab tak kahāñ rahe
ai inqalab-e-nau teri raftar dekh kar
KHud hum bhi sochte hain ki ab tak kahan rahe
jo ek pal ke liye ḳhud badal nahīñ sakte
ye kah rahe haiñ ki saarā jahāñ badal Daalo
jo ek pal ke liye KHud badal nahin sakte
ye kah rahe hain ki sara jahan badal Dalo