Sher on Jafa
Insincerity in love
is a stark reality. It is, however, a reality that has caught the imagination of Urdu poets over all the ages and brought us close to appreciating the variety of conditions in love. While only the lover and the beloved are the subject of this poetry but they together unveil so much of human nature. You may like to have a look at this selection here.
kī mire qatl ke us ne jafā se tauba
haa.e us zūd-pashīmāñ kā pashīmāñ honā
After she had slain me then from torture she forswore
Alas! the one now quickly shamed was not so before
ki mere qatl ke baad us ne jafa se tauba
hae us zud-pashiman ka pashiman hona
After she had slain me then from torture she forswore
Alas! the one now quickly shamed was not so before
Tags : Famous shayariand 2 more
zulm phir zulm hai baḌhtā hai to miT jaatā hai
ḳhuun phir ḳhuun hai Tapkegā to jam jā.egā
zulm phir zulm hai baDhta hai to miT jata hai
KHun phir KHun hai Tapkega to jam jaega
Tags : Inquilaband 2 more
adā aa.ī jafā aa.ī ġhurūr aayā hijāb aayā
hazāroñ āfateñ le kar hasīnoñ par shabāb aayā
ada aai jafa aai ghurur aaya hijab aaya
hazaron aafaten le kar hasinon par shabab aaya
aise bigḌe ki phir jafā bhī na kī
dushmanī kā bhī haq adā na huā
she was so annoyed she did not even torment me
in doing so denied what was due to enmity
aise bigDe ki phir jafa bhi na ki
dushmani ka bhi haq ada na hua
she was so annoyed she did not even torment me
in doing so denied what was due to enmity
Tag : Dushmani
jab bhī vālid kī jafā yaad aa.ī
apne daadā kī ḳhatā yaad aa.ī
jab bhi walid ki jafa yaad aai
apne dada ki KHata yaad aai
Tags : Fatherand 1 more
tiir par tiir lagāo tumheñ Dar kis kā hai
siina kis kā hai mirī jaan jigar kis kā hai
tir par tir lagao tumhein Dar kis ka hai
sina kis ka hai meri jaan jigar kis ka hai
lutf aane lagā jafāoñ meñ
vo kahīñ mehrbāñ na ho jaa.e
I've started to enjoy her tortures by and by
I hope she doesn't now decide to
lutf aane laga jafaon mein
wo kahin mehrban na ho jae
I've started to enjoy her tortures by and by
I hope she doesn't now decide to
pahle rag rag se mirī ḳhuun nichoḌā us ne
ab ye kahtā hai ki rañgat hī mirī piilī hai
pahle rag rag se meri KHun nichoDa us ne
ab ye kahta hai ki rangat hi meri pili hai
qaa.em hai ab bhī merī vafāoñ kā silsila
ik silsila hai un kī jafāoñ kā silsila
qaem hai ab bhi meri wafaon ka silsila
ek silsila hai un ki jafaon ka silsila
Tag : Bewafai
tum na tauba karo jafāoñ se
ham vafāoñ se tauba karte haiñ
tum na tauba karo jafaon se
hum wafaon se tauba karte hain
jitnī vo mire haal pe karte haiñ jafā.eñ
aatā hai mujhe un kī mohabbat kā yaqīñ aur
More the cruelty from her that I receive
more in her affection for me do I believe
jitni wo mere haal pe karte hain jafaen
aata hai mujhe un ki mohabbat ka yaqin aur
More the cruelty from her that I receive
more in her affection for me do I believe
zālim jafā jo chāhe so kar mujh pe tū vale
pachhtāve phir tū aap hī aisā na kar kahīñ
O cruel one any torture, on me implement
just refrain from actions which you may repent
zalim jafa jo chahe so kar mujh pe tu wale
pachhtawe phir tu aap hi aisa na kar kahin
O cruel one any torture, on me implement
just refrain from actions which you may repent
un kī jafāoñ par bhī vafā kā huā gumāñ
apnī vafāoñ ko bhī farāmosh kar diyā
un ki jafaon par bhi wafa ka hua guman
apni wafaon ko bhi faramosh kar diya
Tag : Wafa