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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere

Indira Varma's Photo'

Indira Varma

1940 | Delhi, India

Sher of Indira Varma



tumhāre binā sab adhūre haiñ jānāñ

sabā phuul ḳhush-bū chaman raushnī rañg

My dearest, without you everything is incomplete

The morning breeze, flowers, fragrances, garden, light, colours

tumhaare bina sab adhure hain jaanan

saba phul KHush-bu chaman raushni rang

My dearest, without you everything is incomplete

The morning breeze, flowers, fragrances, garden, light, colours

ye shafaq chāñd sitāre nahīñ achchhe lagte

tum nahīñ ho to nazāre nahīñ achchhe lagte

ye shafaq chand sitare nahin achchhe lagte

tum nahin ho to nazare nahin achchhe lagte

vaqt ḳhāmosh hai TuuTe hue rishtoñ tarah

vo bhalā kaise mire dil ḳhabar pā.egā

Time, like snagged relationships,is silent

I wonder how he will find news of me

waqt KHamosh hai TuTe hue rishton ki tarah

wo bhala kaise mere dil ki KHabar paega

Time, like snagged relationships,is silent

I wonder how he will find news of me

yahī fasāna rahā hai junūñ ke sahrā meñ

kabhī firāq ke qisse kabhī visāl baat

It has always been so in the desert of mad longing

sometimes the legends of partings, sometimes the talk of meeting

yahi fasana raha hai junun ke sahra mein

kabhi firaq ke qisse kabhi visal ki baat

It has always been so in the desert of mad longing

sometimes the legends of partings, sometimes the talk of meeting

shikasta-dil añdherī shab akelā rāhbar kyuuñ ho

na ho jab ham-safar koī to apnā bhī safar kyuuñ ho

Broken herted, why is the traveler alone in the dark night

When there is no one to walk beside, why am I on this journey

shikasta-dil andheri shab akela rahbar kyun ho

na ho jab ham-safar koi to apna bhi safar kyun ho

Broken herted, why is the traveler alone in the dark night

When there is no one to walk beside, why am I on this journey

kitāb-e-zīst unvān ban ga.e ho tum

hamāre pyaar dekho ye intihā sāhab

You have become the title of the book of life

Such is the extent of my love, sahab

kitab-e-zist ka unwan ban gae ho tum

hamare pyar ki dekho ye intiha sahab

You have become the title of the book of life

Such is the extent of my love, sahab

aap lahja shahad jaisā tarannum-ḳhez hai

ḳhāmushī ab toḌiye aur boliye mere liye

Your accent is sweet as honey and melodious too

Break your silence now and say aomething, for me

aap ka lahja shahad jaisa tarannum-KHez hai

KHamushi ab toDiye aur boliye mere liye

Your accent is sweet as honey and melodious too

Break your silence now and say aomething, for me

abhī se kaise kahūñ tum ko bevafā sāhab

abhī to apne safar hai ibtidā sāhab

How can I call you unfaithful already

When this is only the beginning of our journey, sahab

abhi se kaise kahun tum ko bewafa sahab

abhi to apne safar ki hai ibtida sahab

How can I call you unfaithful already

When this is only the beginning of our journey, sahab

raushnī phuuT niklī misroñ se

chāñd ko jab ġhazal meñ sochā hai

Rediance burst out of my verses

When I potray the moon in my ghazals

raushni phuT nikli misron se

chand ko jab ghazal mein socha hai

Rediance burst out of my verses

When I potray the moon in my ghazals

ye kaisī vaqt ne badlī hai karvaT

fareb-e-zindagī hai aur maiñ huuñ

How time has changed with the tide

There is the deceit of Life, and there's me

ye kaisi waqt ne badli hai karwaT

fareb-e-zindagi hai aur main hun

How time has changed with the tide

There is the deceit of Life, and there's me

sila diyā hai mohabbat tum ne ye kaisā

masarratoñ meñ bhī rone lagī haiñ ab āñkheñ

What is this reward you have given for loving you

Even in the midst of happiness they cry, these eyes

sila diya hai mohabbat ka tum ne ye kaisa

masarraton mein bhi rone lagi hain ab aankhen

What is this reward you have given for loving you

Even in the midst of happiness they cry, these eyes

shāḳh-dar-shāḳh hotī hai zaḳhmī

jab parinda shikār hotā hai

Branch after branch gets wounded

When the bird becomes the prey

shaKH-dar-shaKH hoti hai zaKHmi

jab parinda shikar hota hai

Branch after branch gets wounded

When the bird becomes the prey

zindagī aaj terā lutf o karam

kam agar hai to aaj kam sahī

Look at my self-respect even in love

So what if I have my head axed for not bowing

zindagi aaj tera lutf o karam

kam agar hai to aaj kam hi sahi

Look at my self-respect even in love

So what if I have my head axed for not bowing

mirī chāhatoñ meñ ġhurūr ho dil-e-nā-tavāñ meñ surūr ho

tumheñ ab ke khānā hai vo qasam ki fareb meñ bhī yaqīn ho

Let there be pride in my loves and intoxication in my frail heart

This time you must take that vow so we may believe in deceit too

meri chahaton mein ghurur ho dil-e-na-tawan mein surur ho

tumhein ab ke khana hai wo qasam ki fareb mein bhi yaqin ho

Let there be pride in my loves and intoxication in my frail heart

This time you must take that vow so we may believe in deceit too

ye raushnī tire kamre meñ ḳhud nahīñ aa.ī

sham.a jism pighalne ke baad aa.ī hai

This light didn't appear in your room on its own

It has come after burning the body of the candle

ye raushni tere kamre mein KHud nahin aai

shama ka jism pighalne ke baad aai hai

This light didn't appear in your room on its own

It has come after burning the body of the candle

bahār aa.ī to khul kar kahā hai phūloñ ne

ye kis ne chheḌ gulshan meñ phir jamāl baat

With the coming of spring, flowers have burst into speech

Who has again spread this tale of beauty in the garden

bahaar aai to khul kar kaha hai phulon ne

ye kis ne chheD di gulshan mein phir jamal ki baat

With the coming of spring, flowers have burst into speech

Who has again spread this tale of beauty in the garden

bahāroñ ke āñchal meñ ḳhush-bū chhupī hai

guloñ qabā meñ bhare haiñ sabhī rañg

The fragrance swings in the apron of spring

The raiments of flowers are filled with all the colours

bahaaron ke aanchal mein KHush-bu chhupi hai

gulon ki qaba mein bhare hain sabhi rang

The fragrance swings in the apron of spring

The raiments of flowers are filled with all the colours

kis ḳhatā sazā milī us ko

kis liye roz ghaTtā baḌhtā hai

For what fault is he being so punished

That he must wax and wane every night

kis KHata ki saza mili us ko

kis liye roz ghaTta baDhta hai

For what fault is he being so punished

That he must wax and wane every night

kaise sahrā meñ bhaTaktā hai mirā tishna-lab

kaisī bastī hai jahāñ miltā nahīñ paanī tak

What is the desert where my parched lips wander

What is this place where no water is to be found

kaise sahra mein bhaTakta hai mera tishna-lab

kaisi basti hai jahan milta nahin pani tak

What is the desert where my parched lips wander

What is this place where no water is to be found

us se mat kahnā mirī be-sar-o-sāmānī tak

vo na aa jaa.e kahīñ mirī pareshānī tak

Do not even mention my penury to him

Lest he reaches the crux of my problems

us se mat kahna meri be-sar-o-samani tak

wo na aa jae kahin meri pareshani tak

Do not even mention my penury to him

Lest he reaches the crux of my problems

tamām fikr zamāne Taal detā hai

ye kaisā kaif tumhārā ḳhayāl detā hai

All cares and concerns of the world are turned away

What is this headiness your very thought brings

tamam fikr zamane ki Tal deta hai

ye kaisa kaif tumhaara KHayal deta hai

All cares and concerns of the world are turned away

What is this headiness your very thought brings


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