Sher on Love
A list of love shayari
has been presented to express the complex emotion. Love shayari is one of the most extensively written about topics in Urdu shayari. Love, as promised, does not conquer all but it does make the world go round.
aur bhī dukh haiñ zamāne meñ mohabbat ke sivā
rāhateñ aur bhī haiñ vasl kī rāhat ke sivā
sorrows other than love's longing does this life provide
comforts other than a lover's union too abide
aur bhi dukh hain zamane mein mohabbat ke siwa
rahaten aur bhi hain wasl ki rahat ke siwa
sorrows other than love's longing does this life provide
comforts other than a lover's union too abide
Tags : Famous shayariand 7 more
ujāle apnī yādoñ ke hamāre saath rahne do
na jaane kis galī meñ zindagī kī shaam ho jaa.e
ujale apni yaadon ke hamare sath rahne do
na jaane kis gali mein zindagi ki sham ho jae
Tags : Famous shayariand 6 more
ishq ne 'ġhālib' nikammā kar diyā
varna ham bhī aadmī the kaam ke
Ghalib, a worthless person, this love has made of me
otherwise a man of substance I once used to be
ishq ne 'ghaalib' nikamma kar diya
warna hum bhi aadmi the kaam ke
Ghalib, a worthless person, this love has made of me
otherwise a man of substance I once used to be
Tags : Famous shayariand 3 more
ye ishq nahīñ āsāñ itnā hī samajh liije
ik aag kā dariyā hai aur Duub ke jaanā hai
ye ishq nahin aasan itna hi samajh lije
ek aag ka dariya hai aur Dub ke jaana hai
Tags : Famous shayariand 3 more
ranjish hī sahī dil hī dukhāne ke liye aa
aa phir se mujhe chhoḌ ke jaane ke liye aa
ranjish hi sahi dil hi dukhane ke liye aa
aa phir se mujhe chhoD ke jaane ke liye aa
Tags : Famous shayariand 4 more
mohabbat meñ nahīñ hai farq jiine aur marne kā
usī ko dekh kar jiite haiñ jis kāfir pe dam nikle
In love there is no difference 'tween life and death do know
The very one for whom I die, life too does bestow
mohabbat mein nahin hai farq jine aur marne ka
usi ko dekh kar jite hain jis kafir pe dam nikle
In love there is no difference 'tween life and death do know
The very one for whom I die, life too does bestow
Tags : Famous shayariand 3 more
us kī yaad aa.ī hai sāñso zarā āhista chalo
dhaḌkanoñ se bhī ibādat meñ ḳhalal paḌtā hai
us ki yaad aai hai sanso zara aahista chalo
dhaDkanon se bhi ibaadat mein KHalal paDta hai
Tags : Famous shayariand 5 more
ek muddat se tirī yaad bhī aa.ī na hameñ
aur ham bhuul ga.e hoñ tujhe aisā bhī nahīñ
ek muddat se teri yaad bhi aai na hamein
aur hum bhul gae hon tujhe aisa bhi nahin
Tags : Famous shayariand 1 more
achchhā ḳhāsā baiThe baiThe gum ho jaatā huuñ
ab maiñ aksar maiñ nahīñ rahtā tum ho jaatā huuñ
achchha KHasa baiThe baiThe gum ho jata hun
ab main aksar main nahin rahta tum ho jata hun
Tags : Bekhudiand 3 more
hosh vāloñ ko ḳhabar kyā be-ḳhudī kyā chiiz hai
ishq kiije phir samajhiye zindagī kyā chiiz hai
hosh walon ko KHabar kya be-KHudi kya chiz hai
ishq kije phir samajhiye zindagi kya chiz hai
Tags : Bekhudiand 7 more
vo to ḳhush-bū hai havāoñ meñ bikhar jā.egā
mas.ala phuul kā hai phuul kidhar jā.egā
wo to KHush-bu hai hawaon mein bikhar jaega
masala phul ka hai phul kidhar jaega
Tags : Ishqand 2 more
ab ke ham bichhḌe to shāyad kabhī ḳhvāboñ meñ mileñ
jis tarah sūkhe hue phuul kitāboñ meñ mileñ
should we now be parted, in dreams we might be found
like dried flowers found in books, fragile, fraying browned
ab ke hum bichhDe to shayad kabhi KHwabon mein milen
jis tarah sukhe hue phul kitabon mein milen
should we now be parted, in dreams we might be found
like dried flowers found in books, fragile, fraying browned
Tags : Famous shayariand 1 more
ishq par zor nahīñ hai ye vo ātish 'ġhālib'
ki lagā.e na lage aur bujhā.e na bane
One has no power over Love, it is that flame, to wit,
Which neither can be set alight, nor extinguished once lit
ishq par zor nahin hai ye wo aatish 'ghaalib'
ki lagae na lage aur bujhae na bane
One has no power over Love, it is that flame, to wit,
Which neither can be set alight, nor extinguished once lit
Tags : Ishqand 3 more
chupke chupke raat din aañsū bahānā yaad hai
ham ko ab tak āshiqī kā vo zamānā yaad hai
chupke chupke raat din aansu bahana yaad hai
hum ko ab tak aashiqi ka wo zamana yaad hai
Tags : Famous shayariand 5 more
huā hai tujh se bichhaḌne ke baa'd ye mā'lūm
ki tū nahīñ thā tire saath ek duniyā thī
hua hai tujh se bichhaDne ke ba'd ye ma'lum
ki tu nahin tha tere sath ek duniya thi
Tags : Ishqand 2 more
ishq nāzuk-mizāj hai behad
aql kā bojh uThā nahīñ saktā
ishq nazuk-mizaj hai behad
aql ka bojh uTha nahin sakta
Tags : Ishqand 1 more
kis kis ko batā.eñge judā.ī kā sabab ham
tū mujh se ḳhafā hai to zamāne ke liye aa
kis kis ko bataenge judai ka sabab hum
tu mujh se KHafa hai to zamane ke liye aa
Tags : Famous shayariand 4 more
dil dhaḌakne kā sabab yaad aayā
vo tirī yaad thī ab yaad aayā
dil dhaDakne ka sabab yaad aaya
wo teri yaad thi ab yaad aaya
Tags : Ishqand 3 more
aap ke har ghaḌī ham ne
aap ke saath hī guzārī hai
aap ke baad har ghaDi hum ne
aap ke sath hi guzari hai
Tags : Hijrand 4 more
karūñgā kyā jo mohabbat meñ ho gayā nākām
mujhe to aur koī kaam bhī nahīñ aatā
What will I do in love / if I don't succeed
I know no other task, I have to concede
karunga kya jo mohabbat mein ho gaya nakaam
mujhe to aur koi kaam bhi nahin aata
What will I do in love / if I don't succeed
I know no other task, I have to concede
Tags : Ishqand 3 more
koī samjhe to ek baat kahūñ
ishq taufīq hai gunāh nahīñ
if someone were to listen, one thing I will opine
Love is not a crime forsooth it is grace divine
koi samjhe to ek baat kahun
ishq taufiq hai gunah nahin
if someone were to listen, one thing I will opine
Love is not a crime forsooth it is grace divine
Tags : Gunahand 3 more
tire ishq kī intihā chāhtā huuñ
mirī sādgī dekh kyā chāhtā huuñ
tere ishq ki intiha chahta hun
meri sadgi dekh kya chahta hun
Tags : Iqbal Dayand 4 more
ġham aur ḳhushī meñ farq na mahsūs ho jahāñ
maiñ dil ko us maqām pe laatā chalā gayā
gham aur KHushi mein farq na mahsus ho jahan
main dil ko us maqam pe lata chala gaya
Tags : Ghamand 3 more
tum ko aatā hai pyaar par ġhussa
mujh ko ġhusse pe pyaar aatā hai
tum ko aata hai pyar par ghussa
mujh ko ghusse pe pyar aata hai
Tags : Famous shayariand 3 more
terā milnā ḳhushī kī baat sahī
tujh se mil kar udaas rahtā huuñ
tera milna KHushi ki baat sahi
tujh se mil kar udas rahta hun
Tags : Famous shayariand 4 more
ab judā.ī ke safar ko mire āsān karo
tum mujhe ḳhvāb meñ aa kar na pareshān karo
ab judai ke safar ko mere aasan karo
tum mujhe KHwab mein aa kar na pareshan karo
Tags : Ishqand 3 more
tumhārī yaad ke jab zaḳhm bharne lagte haiñ
kisī bahāne tumheñ yaad karne lagte haiñ
tumhaari yaad ke jab zaKHm bharne lagte hain
kisi bahane tumhein yaad karne lagte hain
aaj dekhā hai tujh ko der ke
aaj kā din guzar na jaa.e kahīñ
aaj dekha hai tujh ko der ke baad
aaj ka din guzar na jae kahin
Tags : Ishqand 3 more
ik raat vo gayā thā jahāñ baat rok ke
ab tak rukā huā huuñ vahīñ raat rok ke
ek raat wo gaya tha jahan baat rok ke
ab tak ruka hua hun wahin raat rok ke
Tags : Intezarand 1 more
dil meñ kisī ke raah kiye jā rahā huuñ maiñ
kitnā hasīñ gunāh kiye jā rahā huuñ maiñ
dil mein kisi ke rah kiye ja raha hun main
kitna hasin gunah kiye ja raha hun main
Tags : Famous shayariand 4 more
ishq se tabī.at ne ziist kā mazā paayā
dard kī davā paa.ī dard-e-be-davā paayā
my being did, from love's domain, the joy of life procure
obtained such cure for life's travails, which itself had no cure
ishq se tabiat ne zist ka maza paya
dard ki dawa pai dard-e-be-dawa paya
my being did, from love's domain, the joy of life procure
obtained such cure for life's travails, which itself had no cure
Tags : Dardand 2 more
bhūle haiñ rafta rafta unheñ muddatoñ meñ ham
qistoñ meñ ḳhud-kushī kā mazā ham se pūchhiye
bhule hain rafta rafta unhen muddaton mein hum
qiston mein KHud-kushi ka maza hum se puchhiye
Tags : Ishqand 1 more
ai dost ham ne tark-e-mohabbat ke bāvajūd
mahsūs kī hai terī zarūrat kabhī kabhī
ai dost hum ne tark-e-mohabbat ke bawajud
mahsus ki hai teri zarurat kabhi kabhi
Tags : Ishqand 1 more
jab bhī aatā hai mirā naam tire naam ke saath
jaane kyuuñ log mire naam se jal jaate haiñ
whenever my name happens to be linked to thee
I wonder why these people burn with jealousy
jab bhi aata hai mera nam tere nam ke sath
jaane kyun log mere nam se jal jate hain
whenever my name happens to be linked to thee
I wonder why these people burn with jealousy
Tags : Famous shayariand 4 more
milnā thā ittifāq bichhaḌnā nasīb thā
vo utnī duur ho gayā jitnā qarīb thā
milna tha ittifaq bichhaDna nasib tha
wo utni dur ho gaya jitna qarib tha
Tags : Hijrand 3 more
us ko judā hue bhī zamāna bahut huā
ab kyā kaheñ ye qissa purānā bahut huā
us ko juda hue bhi zamana bahut hua
ab kya kahen ye qissa purana bahut hua
Tags : Ishqand 2 more
jhukī jhukī sī nazar be-qarār hai ki nahīñ
dabā dabā sā sahī dil meñ pyaar hai ki nahīñ
jhuki jhuki si nazar be-qarar hai ki nahin
daba daba sa sahi dil mein pyar hai ki nahin
Tags : Famous shayariand 5 more
dil kī choToñ ne kabhī chain se rahne na diyā
jab chalī sard havā maiñ ne tujhe yaad kiyā
dil ki choTon ne kabhi chain se rahne na diya
jab chali sard hawa main ne tujhe yaad kiya
Tags : Famous shayariand 3 more
chand kaliyāñ nashāt kī chun kar muddatoñ mahv-e-yās rahtā huuñ
terā milnā ḳhushī kī baat sahī tujh se mil kar udaas rahtā huuñ
chand kaliyan nashat ki chun kar muddaton mahw-e-yas rahta hun
tera milna KHushi ki baat sahi tujh se mil kar udas rahta hun
Tags : Ishqand 4 more
ik lafz-e-mohabbat kā adnā ye fasānā hai
simTe to dil-e-āshiq phaile to zamāna hai
ek lafz-e-mohabbat ka adna ye fasana hai
simTe to dil-e-ashiq phaile to zamana hai
Tags : Famous shayariand 4 more
ab tak dil-e-ḳhush-fahm ko tujh se haiñ umīdeñ
ye āḳhirī sham.eñ bhī bujhāne ke liye aa
my heart is optimistic yet, its hopes are still alive
come to snuff it out, let not this final flame survive
ab tak dil-e-KHush-fahm ko tujh se hain umiden
ye aaKHiri shamen bhi bujhane ke liye aa
my heart is optimistic yet, its hopes are still alive
come to snuff it out, let not this final flame survive
Tags : Ishqand 2 more
āshiqī sabr-talab aur tamannā betāb
dil kā kyā rañg karūñ ḳhūn-e-jigar hote tak
Love has a need for patience, desires are a strain
as long my ache persists, how shall my heart sustain
aashiqi sabr-talab aur tamanna betab
dil ka kya rang karun KHun-e-jigar hote tak
Love has a need for patience, desires are a strain
as long my ache persists, how shall my heart sustain
Tags : Ishqand 1 more
tumhāre shahr kā mausam baḌā suhānā lage
maiñ ek shaam churā luuñ agar burā na lage
tumhaare shahr ka mausam baDa suhana lage
main ek sham chura lun agar bura na lage
Tags : Ishqand 4 more
fāsle aise bhī hoñge ye kabhī sochā na thā
sāmne baiThā thā mere aur vo merā na thā
fasle aise bhi honge ye kabhi socha na tha
samne baiTha tha mere aur wo mera na tha
yaad rakhnā hī mohabbat meñ nahīñ hai sab kuchh
bhuul jaanā bhī baḌī baat huā kartī hai
yaad rakhna hi mohabbat mein nahin hai sab kuchh
bhul jaana bhi baDi baat hua karti hai
Tags : Ishqand 3 more
aarzū hai ki tū yahāñ aa.e
aur phir umr bhar na jaa.e kahīñ
aarzu hai ki tu yahan aae
aur phir umr bhar na jae kahin
Tags : Aarzooand 4 more
āḳhrī hichkī tire zānūñ pe aa.e
maut bhī maiñ shā.irāna chāhtā huuñ
aaKHri hichki tere zanun pe aae
maut bhi main shairana chahta hun
Tags : Famous shayariand 5 more
pūchh lete vo bas mizāj mirā
kitnā āsān thā ilaaj mirā
puchh lete wo bas mizaj mera
kitna aasan tha ilaj mera
Tags : Ayaadatand 1 more