This is an online Shayari collection where you can relish the Best Shayari on the subject of your choice. Curated by hand-picking the top Urdu Shayari from poets of all eras, the collection has more than 700 topics and themes. Explore the topics of love, sadness, childhood, motivations, Mausam, national holidays and 700 other themes through sher, ghazals, nazms and other poetry types
- Aab 6
- Aab Deedah 22
- Aabla 28
- Aadmi 42
- Aagahi 30
- Aah 43
- Aahat 29
- Aaina 55
- Aajizi 30
- Aam 15
- Aanch 9
- Aangan 13
- Aansoo 120
- Aarzoo 86
- Aashiq 7
- Aashob 4
- Aasman 24
- Aasraa 6
- Aazadi 4
- Abad 3
- Abr 13
- Abroo 1
- Abuse 1
- Actress 2
- Ada 54
- Adoo 7
- Adventure 20
- Agra 6
- Ahbaab 8
- ahvaal 12
- Aib 15
- Aitbaar 2
- aKHbaar 19
- Alam 8
- Allahabad 4
- American Poetry 2
- Anaasir 13
- Andhera 14
- Angaare 9
- Angdaai 22
- Anger 2
- Animal 7
- Anjam 10
- Apathetic Society 1
- Art 9
- Asbaab 8
- Ashna 1
- Attitude 14
- Aurat 79
- Awaz 37
- Ayaadat 21
- Azaab 4
- Azaadaar 1
- Azal 13
- Baam 19
- Baankpan 7
- Bachpan 208
- Badan 48
- Bad-Gumani 5
- Bahaar 66
- Bahana 27
- Bairaag 10
- Bandagi 18
- Bank 1
- Barg 9
- Barham 11
- Barish 58
- Basant 42
- Battle 2
- Beauty 4
- Bebasi 6
- Bechaini 22
- Bedaar 17
- Beenai 15
- Bekasi 35
- Bekhabari 9
- Bekhudi 66
- Beniyaaz 1
- Beniyazi 10
- Beqarari 30
- Berozgari 5
- Besabati 16
- Bewafai 55
- Bharosa 31
- Bijli 15
- Birthday 22
- Bisaat 5
- Body 3
- Bold poem 49
- Brutality 15
- Budhapa 27
- Bulandi 1
- Business 1
- But 20
- Carnivorous 1
- Casteism 8
- Chaand 84
- Charagar 17
- Charagh 42
- Charity 1
- Cheekh 1
- Chehra 44
- Chhaanv 2
- Child 1
- Child labour 5
- Childhood 5
- children's Story 582
- Chinese Poetry 12
- Cigarette 13
- City 2
- Civilization 17
- Clash 17
- Climate 10
- Colonial subordination 9
- Communal harmony 33
- Communal riots 40
- Communist 1
- Competition 2
- Conflict 40
- Constitution 9
- Conversation 1
- Corruption 24
- Corruption 14
- Country 1
- Court 1
- Crime 59
- Critic 1
- Cruelty 2
- Cultural and emotional loss 41
- Culture 78
- Daagh 1
- Daastaan 1
- Dair-o-Haram 13
- Dakni Ghazal 172
- Darakht 7
- Dard 161
- Darguzar 1
- Dariya 39
- Daur 1
- Dayaar 1
- Death 46
- Deedar 45
- Delhi 35
- Democracy 17
- Democracy 2
- Depression 5
- Deshbhakti 93
- Detective 6
- Dhoka 40
- Dhoop 43
- Dhuaan 3
- Dil 356
- Dil-lagi 10
- Discrimination 8
- Diversity 23
- Diwangi 21
- Doctor 1
- Dog 1
- Dost 102
- Dosti 48
- Drama 37
- Dress 1
- Dua 93
- Duniya 116
- Dushman 42
- Dushmani 24
- Faateh 1
- Faith 5
- Falak 9
- Family drama 63
- Famous shayari 322
- Fantasy 29
- Faramoshi 10
- Farewell 57
- Fasad 28
- Fashion 12
- Fasla 23
- Father 39
- Feminist 36
- Festival 98
- Feudal system 27
- Film 15
- Film Industry 9
- Filmi Shayari 246
- Fire 7
- Food 5
- Fraud 1
- Freedom 4
- Freedom of speech 10
- Freedom struggle 6
- Friendship 38
- Haalaat 44
- Haar 15
- Hadsa 18
- Haft Zaban 1
- Handicapped problems 5
- Hasrat 70
- Hausla 69
- Hawa 38
- Haya 15
- Health 14
- Health Care 35
- Heart 4
- Heritage 11
- Hichki 8
- Hijr 148
- Hijrat 39
- Hindustan 7
- History 26
- Holi 88
- Homosexuality 1
- Homosexuality 13
- Human Being 4
- Human Nature 1
- Human psychology 1
- Human values 52
- Humour 45
- Humour 160
- Hunar 13
- Hunger 8
- Husn 210
- Magic realism 12
- Mahatma Gandhi 22
- Mahroomi 10
- Mahshar 4
- Maikada 54
- Maikashi 46
- Majburi 41
- Man 8
- Manzil 33
- Marathi Poetry 1
- Market 3
- Mashwara 97
- Masjid 1
- Masti 7
- Mathematics 1
- Mausam 16
- Maut 138
- Mayoosi 103
- Mazdoor 61
- Mazhab 9
- Mazi 46
- Mechanical Life 17
- Medical 1
- Medical Fraud 1
- Meer Taqi Meer 75
- Mehboob 120
- Mehfil 12
- Mehman 9
- Mehnat 2
- Mehndi 10
- Melodrama 32
- Memories 37
- Mental health 16
- Migration 28
- Migration and memories 1
- Mind 1
- Mirza Ghalib 23
- Mismatched Marriage 1
- Mitti 1
- Mizah 81
- Modern society 47
- Modernity 9
- Mohabbat 632
- Money 1
- Monkey 1
- Moral 39
- Mortgage 1
- Mother 108
- Mother Tongue 1
- Motivational 191
- Muflisi 48
- Mukalimati Ghazal 18
- Mulaqat 52
- Murder 29
- Musafir 22
- musalsal Gazals 6
- Music 13
- Muskurahat 34
- Muslim 2
- Mystery 30
- Mysticism 4
- Mythology 8
- Paan 30
- Paigham 1
- Pandemic 1
- pareshanii 6
- Parinda 22
- Parliament 25
- Partition 43
- Partition 4
- Parwana 20
- Past 4
- Patriotism 17
- Peace 46
- Personalities 68
- Pet affection 18
- Philosophical 23
- Phool 45
- Poet 1
- Poetry 7
- Poetry For Children 1389
- Political 4
- Politician 7
- Politics 48
- Politics s 9
- Pollution 10
- Poor 1
- Popular verses 38
- Poverty 69
- Progressive 23
- Prostitute 77
- Protest 2
- Psychology 45
- Public 5
- Publishing 2
- Punjabi Poetry 24
- Pyas 33
- Raasta 25
- Raat 100
- Raat ki Rani 4
- Raaz 18
- Racism 3
- Rahbar 4
- Raksha Bandhan 16
- Rang 58
- Raqeeb 39
- Raushni 32
- Realism 3
- Realistic 76
- Reality 2
- Rebellion 1
- Reform 1
- Rekhta 24
- Rekhta's Top 10 40
- Relationship 90
- Religion 42
- Religion & spirituality 3
- Religious Exploitation 2
- Religious harmony 15
- Republic Day Shayari 36
- Resistance 40
- Revenge 30
- Rind 16
- Ritual 4
- Romance 26
- Romantic 256
- Rukhsar 19
- Rural Life 39
- Ruswai 56
- Sabr 10
- Sach 29
- Sacrifice 1
- Sad 177
- Sadgi 19
- Sadness 4
- Safar 42
- Sahil 13
- Sahra 22
- Samaj 1
- Samundar 17
- Saqi 35
- Sardi 36
- Sarhad 14
- Satire 61
- Sawal 88
- Saya 32
- Sayyad 5
- Science 2
- Self Respect 5
- Self respect 2
- Self-Praise 19
- Sexual Attraction 1
- Sexual Desire 5
- Sexuality 20
- Shaam 77
- Shaheed 19
- Shahr 37
- Shajar 28
- Shama 24
- Sharab 135
- Sharm 10
- Sher 49
- Shikwa 66
- Shohrat 24
- Shokhi 15
- Shukriya 11
- Singing 3
- Sixth Sense 1
- Sky 1
- Slavery 5
- Soch 4
- Social And Political Stories 1
- Social compulsion 48
- social distancing shayari 66
- Social injustice 42
- Social Issues 41
- Social practices 50
- Social reform 18
- Society 52
- Soul 3
- Speech 1
- Spiritual 1
- Spirituality 19
- Sri Krishn 6
- Stereotyped Society 1
- Strike 4
- Struggle 2
- Student 4
- Subah 16
- Sukoon 18
- Sun 1
- Supernatural 14
- Superstition 16
- Suspense 41
- Symbolic 24